Thursday, April 17, 2008

My little Gymbugs

Today the kids and I had "Gymboree" class. It's a teacher supervised, parent participatory play and music class and is my attempt at having the kids get their wiggles out. I am also hoping that it gives Oliver a little taste of a semi-structured class before preschool rolls around this fall. Otherwise, I fear that my little guy would be in complete and total shock that someone is telling him when he can play, when he can eat snack, when he can read books etc... With me by his side all day long, we make it all up as we go along.
It turns out so far, that Emma is the superstar in Gymboree. She runs and plays, dances, slides and jumps without a second glance at me. Oliver on the other hand, is fairly shy for the first little bit, and likes me to do most everything with him. When it's time for the big parachute to come out, an activity that I would think Ollie would LOVE, he disappears with a few other kids to try out other things. He's the master of the balancing board, and a pro at shooting hoops into the 2 foot high basket.
Well, even if this particular play class is over priced, too far away, and not quite long enough... we're having a blast!


bg said...

Oliver sounds just like Jeff was at his age. Amazing!

Todd McLauchlin said...

Looks like fun, I miss those kids!

Yelyah's Corner said...

so adorable!

Amy Brown said...

oohhh.... thanks Cinnamon!