Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Supermodel Mommy

This may sound a tiny bit brash, but I see lots of things being done and think "I could do that!" Some things come quite easily to me. Why deny it? (Let's just note that Math is not one of those things. Math makes me cry. Literally.) Photography, sewing, and jewelry-making are things I kind of have a knack for, I guess. The one thing that I see being done again and again that I definitely know I could do is that supermodel thing. Sure, I have a couple of minor obstacles to overcome... but there were obstacles in teaching myself to sew and knit too. I know I need to be realistic though since it's a tough biz. I would have to lose a few pounds, and grow like 6 inches or so. But, I figure with the growth in height, the bit of baby pudge around my middle will just stretch out anyway.
I've been practicing "the walk" quite a bit lately. I've become pretty brilliant. The turn and pose at the end of our runway has been a bit of a challenge, but Emma likes to hold my hand at that part to help keep me steady in my 4" Jimmy Choo's. (Ok, they're actually 1" Isaac Mizrahi's from Target - but who's keeping track anyway??)
Emma has expressed some interest in being my manager when I go big-time, and Oliver has already signed up to be my make-up artist. (Sorry Beck. You snooze, you lose sis.) Since things seem to be coming together pretty quickly, I figure the most sensible route is to follow in the footsteps of the great and wise Hannah Montana. You know, Mommy by day/Supermodel by night. That will probably be the best way to start out.


bg said...

I loved this blog!

Crystal said...

aim, that is too much. you could totally be a supermodel. love it. with emma and ollie by your side you'll put that klum chick to shame.

Yelyah's Corner said...

so fun! Work it girl!