Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spring has sprung

"Be like the flower, turn your face to the sun."

— Kahlil Gibran

That is exactly what I have been doing for the last several days! The sun (and the 15 day forecast) would say that Spring has finally arrived! It has been a long, cold winter here in Beantown, and my soul has been starving for a little sunshine. The last few days have been glorious! I almost don't want to acknowledge the wonderful weather for fear that it will be jinxed. It seems Oliver and Emma have totally forgotten how much fun walks to Harvard Square can be, what chirping birds sound like, and how delightful the newly risen daffodils are.
Spring is definitely my favorite season in Boston (although it's a near tie for Fall.)The whole world around us awakens, and I begin to remember why I love this city so much. The cherry blossoms emerge, the children run and play, and the spirits of every neighbor softens a little. Everyone seems relieved to bid farewell to winter - for a few months anyway. I certainly wouldn't miss Winter one bit if he decided to take an extended vacation.

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