Thursday, November 29, 2007


Oliver has a new best friend. Appropriately named "Guy" by Ollie. He is a Barbie doll, probably the ugliest male Barbie I've ever seen. A hand me down that was accompanied by about 30 regular Barbie's and a Ken (who suffered a tragic, accidental be-heading.)Now that "Guy" is the only guy in Barbie town, he seems to have a mystical pull over Ollie. Like any 2 year old, Ollie loves to challenge many of my requests. You know... the little daily things "please sit down in your chair while eating" or " don't run with that pen in your hand" or "don't sit on your sister!"BUT.... should you hold up the ugly Barbie Guy and speak in a terrible surfer dude voice, Oliver's eyes twinkle and his ears perk up. He listens to everything Guy asks. Suddenly he is happily sharing with his sister, cleaning up his toys, and any of the tasks that seem too impossible when just mommy asks. When Guy comes to life and starts to speak, Oliver fills up with a 2 year olds excitement and has to show Guy everything in his room. Subsequently, when Guy is tired and "needs a nap" the tears roll in and Ollie grieves terribly for a few moments - until Lincoln Logs don't look so bad anymore.

Emma on the other hand could care less about Barbies.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Dude, you need to keep blogging! :)