Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Wow. I'm an awful blogger. I just took a second to look back at this blog, and the last post was from June! And we were in TEXAS! It's like looking back on an old yearbook... Oliver's hair was SUPER short, it was during the week or so when Emma would let me put ponies in her hair, and I was pregnant!! Since then, we have had our precious baby Sawyer, spent a couple of months in Utah, then moved on back home to Boston for Jeff's last year of Law School. Jeff has accepted a job at a great law firm in Austin, Texas - where we will be moving a few months after Jeff graduates from Harvard in the spring.

Although life is a little more chaotic, I am loving life with three kids. I am trying to just chill out with the small stuff, and have a happy house. I know that the kids feed off of my mood, and the days when I make a serious effort to just be calm and happy, I don't get overwhelmed, and the kids are super happy too. I'm reaching my "zen" place with 3. How funny.

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